term of race is 17.-18.8.2024

TATRAS TO DANUBE race is 345 km long relay-run for teams of 6 or 9 to 12 members. Runners start in Jasna, Low Tatras on Saturday morning and run non-stop throughout the day and night to finish on the Sunday afternoon on the banks of the river Danube in Bratislava. Race guidelines >


2024-05-26 22:56:53

Posledná možnosť objedať si funkčné tričko od hlavného športového partnera Craft je do 10.7. v cene 18 Eur. 

Registration 2022

2021-10-24 00:31:53

Register as soon as possible and enjoy the cheapest starting fee available!

How to register. For actual team captains, it is sufficient to create the team for the next year. You can also use copy the team from 2021 function and just update it.

The payment of the starting fee. The registration is solemnly confirmed by paying the starting fee. We are looking forward to you. :-)

Terms of services

In accordance with the Act. 122/2013 Z.z. on the protection of personal data in its amended agree that the site administrator odtatierkdunaju.sk treated my personal data included in the registration form and in my user profile page, if it is registered as team captain, as well as members of my team, for the purposes of record keeping participants race relay race from the Tatras to Danube. 

I also agree with using my e-mail, the transmission of information related to the organization of the race from the Tatras to Danube and operation odtatierkdunaju.sk site.

Time until start 342 days 2 hours 46 minutes















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